martes, 2 de marzo de 2010

Un Moai que llora por Chile...

Y yo, necesito saber que estás bien.
Haz presente tu luz.
Dime que sigues conmigo.
¡Por favor!

6 comentarios:

Leonoric dijo...

Estoy bien, pero hay muchas cosas que contar
Un beso
Te cuidas

Umira dijo...

A mi tmb me preocupaba que te hubiera pasado algo o.o pero que bueno que estas bien Leo n.n Aca en mi pais esperando el siguiente temblor que seguro nos cae a nosotros o que nos explote el volcán... lo que venga primero X3

Anónimo dijo...

Hey People

I wanted to share with you a great site I just came across teaching [url=][b]Krav Maga[/b][/url] like they teach it in the Israeli Army (IDF) If you guys have seen the Tv Show called Fight Quest you would have seen their chief instructor Ran Nakash there featured on their [url=][b]Krav Maga[/b][/url] episode. Anyways, let me know what you think. Is training via the internet something you would do?



Anónimo dijo...

Thank you, that was extremely valuable and interesting...I will be back again to read more on this topic.

Anónimo dijo...

Top site, I had not noticed before during my searches!
Carry on the wonderful work!

Anónimo dijo...

Thanks for sharing the link, but unfortunately it seems to be offline... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please answer to my post if you do!

I would appreciate if a staff member here at could post it.
